Presentation Competition

IEEE Region 5 student presentation competition provides an opportunity to enhance your presentation skills. This competition will focus on the ability to make an effective pitch showcasing the purpose and value of the technical contribution.


This competition is open to all undergraduate students affiliated with an academic institution in IEEE Region 5.

Competition Format

Interested students should submit their intent to compete by December 15, 2024 along with a one-page abstract of their work. Selected students will then be called to participate in the following rounds of the competition.

Section Competition

Section competitions are not required but encouraged as they prepare the students to be more competitive. The format, time, and location will be determined by the respective sections.

Area Competition

The focus of the area competition is written communication skills. Participants are expected to submit an extended abstract that will highlight the importance and value of their work, while not trivializing their work. Balancing the complexity and the readability is the key. Each student will submit a one page extended abstract as part of their intent to compete submission. Deadline to submit the abstract is December 15, 2024. Area competition will be held virtually. Results will be announced by Area Chairs on or before January 15, 2025.

Region Competition

Each area will nominate top two students for the Region Competition. The Region Competition will focus on oral communication skills. Participants are expected to present their idea to wider audience highlighting the value of their work (economical, environmental, etc.). Competition will be held in Wichita, KS on March 29, 2025.  Each presentation will be limited to 10 minutes with additional 5 minutes for questions and answers. Results will be announced during the IEEE Region 5 banquet on March 29, 2025.

Judging Criteria

Area Competition

  • Criterion 1: Explanation of need and relevance of the work to the respective domain
  • Criterion 2: Originality of the work and contribution
  • Criterion 3: Study method and limitations
  • Criterion 4: Affirmative clear and concise conclusion and future work.
  • Criterion 5: Format (following the provided template derived from IEEE article template)

Region Competition

  • Criterion 1: Statement of relevance and significance to the domain
  • Criterion 2: Critical contribution of the work
  • Criterion 3: Explanation of results and analysis
  • Criterion 4: Organization of Presentation and delivery
  • Criterion 5: Response to the questions from judges

Student Registration

Interested students MUST complete the online Intent to Compete form by December 15, 2024 along with a one-page abstract of their work. Selected students will be then called to participate in the first round of the competition (Either Section level or Area level).

Students nominated by the area to participate in the region level competitions must register for the R5 conference by February 14, 2025. The fee for registration is $150 for IEEE members and $250 otherwise. The top two presenters from each area will have their registration fee covered by Region 5.


Winners will be awarded the following prize money

Region Level

  • 1st Place – $800
  • 2nd Place – $500
  • 3rd Place – $200

Area Level

  • 1st Place – $125
  • 2nd Place – $100
  • 3rd Place – $75

A W-8 (foreign person) or W-9 (US person) withholding form is required by the IEEE Region 5 Treasurer prior to disbursement. The winners must also provide their current mailing address.


We use Discord as our primary means of communicating updates about individual competitions. Click on the button below to join the R5 Discord Server. Inside the server you can find channels for all the competitions, including the Presentation competition (#presentation-general). The competition chairs and volunteers are members of the channel, and will respond to any questions you might have.

We strongly recommend the participants to be part of the Discord server, as all the updates regarding individual competitions will be communicated via their corresponding channels (including during the day of the event).